We are student-run event dedicated to helping teenage creatives find their voice. We have received submissions from Philadelphia schools and ones across the world.

Founders Note
Creating a community of filmmakers.
"When I was in high school I loved filmmaking, but I was more of a cinematographer and an editor than a writer or a
director. I wanted to meet people who inspired me and people I could work with. I found myself wishing that there
was a place for people like me, for kids who loved film to meet each other and swap stories and ideas and learn
about film. At the same time, I was looking for film festivals to show off some projects I was proud of, but I kept getting turned away by the prospect of competing with college students and professionals. That's when I brought my idea for the GFS Film Festival to the newly formed film club with Sarah, Noah, Hyunji, and Adina. I'm so happy to see what PHYFF has become in the years since I graduated, and I can't wait to watch new young filmmakers explore their passion in the brilliant PHYFF community!"
- Eli Eisenstein, PHYFF Co-Founder.

the phyff Team
The Philadelphia Youth Film Festival team is comprised of volunteer high school filmmakers and aficionados from Germantown Friends School